MEDIA EDUCATION: the fight against post-truth and misinformation on trafficking in women and girls


  • Sandra de Souza Machado Universidad de Cádiz
  • Begoña Sánchez Torrejón Universidad de Cádiz
  • Víctor Amar Rodríguez Universidad de Cádiz



Media, Education, Post-Truth, Trafficking, Women


Data, discursive and methodological analysis, from the perspective of Communication and Education gender studies, are applied aiming media literacy for a responsive citizenship in the fight against trafficking in women and girls. Questioning gender violence in misinformation, fake news, post-truths, and malicious intentions. Media literacy, co-education and collective awareness function as strategies of action to combat the trafficking of (young) women, which reaches alarming degrees in the 21st century, including during the global pandemic of COVID-19.

KEYWORDS: Media; Education; Trafficking; Women; Post-Truth.


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Author Biographies

Sandra de Souza Machado, Universidad de Cádiz

PhD in History - Gender and Feminist Studies, University of Brasilia (UnB), Master of Arts in Film and Video, at The American University, Washington D.C., United States. B.A. in Communication - Major in Journalism (UnB). Journalist and blogger at Blog da Igualdade, Correio Braziliense. Visiting Professor at DEX, UnB. Post Doctoral research at the Universidad de Cádiz, Spain, in 2020. E-mail: ou 

Begoña Sánchez Torrejón, Universidad de Cádiz

PhD Professor at the Department of Didactics - Faculty of Science Education,
Universidad de Cádiz, Spain. Degree in Pedagogy (Universidad de Granada);
Master in Gender, Identity and Citizenship (Universidad de Cádiz);
PhD in Art and Humanities (Universidad de Cádiz).

Víctor Amar Rodríguez, Universidad de Cádiz

Doctor and Professor at the Department of Didactics, Faculty of Education, Universidad de Cádiz. Director of the research group HUM 818 Educommunication (EDUCOM), he belongs to the Andalusian research plan of the Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Director of the magazine hachetetepé (http) which belongs to the list of magazines at the University of Cádiz ( Email:


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How to Cite

MACHADO, Sandra de Souza; SÁNCHEZ TORREJÓN, Begoña; AMAR RODRÍGUEZ, Víctor. MEDIA EDUCATION: the fight against post-truth and misinformation on trafficking in women and girls. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 6, p. a6pt, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2020v6n6a6pt. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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