
  • Marckjones Santana Gomes State University of Amazonas - UEA
  • Túlio Macedo Rosa e Silva State University of Amazonas - UEA



Direito do Trabalho, Liberdade Sindical, Reforma Trabalhista


Protection towards the union’s liberty, fundament that is naturally a part of the trade unionism, is inserted into the conventions of the ILO, is recognized as a basic human right by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is considered in several different human rights treaties. The objective of this paper consists on the analysis of the union’s liberty when faced by the changes established by the Labor Reform, approved by Law n. 13.467/2017, through study of the main reasoning behind the approval of said law, and of the consequences related to the extinction of the mandatory collection of the union’s contributions, as well as the research of the impact caused by the reform on the union’s representation of workers. This paper has verified that the changes introduced by Law n. 13.467/2017 in the national judicial ordering system, violate the protection towards the union’s liberty, due to promoting the impairment and dislocation of the union’s entities, limiting its function of fighting for better working conditions.

Author Biographies

Marckjones Santana Gomes, State University of Amazonas - UEA

Graduating in Law from the State University of Amazonas (UEA).

Túlio Macedo Rosa e Silva, State University of Amazonas - UEA

PhD and Master in Labor Law and Procedure from the University of São Paulo (USP). Graduated in Law at USP Law School. Adjunct Professor at the Law School of the State University of Amazonas (UEA), teaching subjects in the Undergraduate course and the Postgraduate Program (Master's) in Environmental Law (PPGDA - UEA). Labor judge at the 11th Region Regional Labor Court.


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How to Cite

Santana Gomes, M., & Macedo Rosa e Silva, T. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE RIGHT TO THE UNION’S LIBERTY FACED WITH THE LABOR REFORM. Vertentes Do Direito, 8(1), 31–55.