Mathematical modeling and analysis of hydration of beans and lentil grains under different temperatures


  • Bruna Araújo de Moura Federal University of Tocantins  
  • Romulo Alves Morais Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Lorena Brito Miranda Federal University of Tocantins  
  • Warley Gramacho da Silva Federal University of Tocantins  
  • Glêndara Aparecida de Souza Martins Federal University of Tocantins  



Beans and lentils are legumes of important role in human nutrition and both have essential nutrients for the body. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior of these grains when submitted to the hydration process, since most of the legumes are consumed in the cooked form. The objective of this work was to evaluate the hydration of two bean and lentil cultivars, in addition to applying the Peleg model in the obtained data. To validate the model, a moisture analysis of the beans, cowpea and lentils was carried out over time, by immersing the cultivars in distilled water at temperatures of 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65ºC. The Peleg model represented in a more satisfactory way the hydration process in all temperatures studied for cowpea and lentil beans using individual adjustments of its parameters C1 and C2.


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How to Cite

de Moura, B. A., Morais, R. A., Miranda, L. B., da Silva, W. G., & Martins, G. A. de S. (2019). Mathematical modeling and analysis of hydration of beans and lentil grains under different temperatures. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 6(Especial), 36–41.

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