Antioxidant Activity of the Cajá-Manga using responsive surface methodology


  • Andressa Sousa Pereira UFT
  • Caroline Roberta Freitas Pires UFT
  • Rodolfo Castilho Clemente Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Glêndara Aparecida de Souza Martins Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Guilherme Nobre Lima do Nascimento Universidade Federal do Tocantins



The cajá-manga (Spondias dulcis) is a fruit with high nutritional value and antioxidant compounds, these act in the prevention of oxidative stress caused by free radicals and in reducing the risks of non-transmissible chronic diseases. The determination of antioxidant compounds is difficult, because several factors interfere in the efficiency of their extraction, leading to the loss of active compounds. The objective of the present study was to optimize the method of extraction of antioxidant compounds using response surface methodology. Samples were submitted to tests in which the ratio: sample: solvent concentration, extraction interval, rotation time and speed of rotation varied. There were no significant differences in the results in relation to the rotation time, rotation speed and the interaction of these with the other variations for the determination of the antioxidant activity; however, the different solvent concentrations and extraction interval, and the interaction solvent concentration x extraction range was significant, affected the antioxidant activity.


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How to Cite

Sousa Pereira, A., Freitas Pires, C. R., Clemente, R. C., Martins, G. A. de S., & Nascimento, G. N. L. do. (2018). Antioxidant Activity of the Cajá-Manga using responsive surface methodology. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(3), 46–53.




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