PERFIL DOS CONCILIADORES NO TOCANTINS: Âmbito Federal, Estadual e de Palmas - TO


  • Elizângela Brito Rodrigues Marinho Faculdade Serra do Carmo
  • Murilo Braz Vieira



Conciliadores, Justiça, Perfil


In view of the evolution of conflicts, there is a need to adopt faster legal mechanisms for a solution. These mechanisms include training to train conciliators to work in conciliation centers. After all, the training has the objective of enabling the conciliator to help the parties to seek a solution to the litigation more fairly. In this context, the conciliator appears in the legal environment. The performance of the conciliator is provided for in various legal provisions. The following study has the objective of understanding and presenting the profile of the conciliator in the Federal, State and Palmas District in Tocantins. In Tocantins, there are two options for the training of conciliators, which may be through state courts or federal courts. A requirement to act as a conciliator as provided by the National Council of Justice is to exercise its function smoothly, to respect the principles and rules of this Code, to sign, therefore, at the beginning of the exercise, term of commitment and to submit to the guidelines of the Coordinating Judge Of the unit to which it is linked. It was observed that the capacities promoted by the judiciary in the state of Tocantins, the focus of this research, assume an increasingly important role for the solution of the litigation and the search for speed to reduce the number of unsolved processes in the state forums.



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How to Cite

Marinho, E. B. R., & Vieira, M. B. (2017). PERFIL DOS CONCILIADORES NO TOCANTINS: ÂMBITO FEDERAL, ESTADUAL E DE PALMAS- TO: PERFIL DOS CONCILIADORES NO TOCANTINS: Âmbito Federal, Estadual e de Palmas - TO. Vertentes Do Direito, 4(2), 112–133.



Artigo Científico