ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS: social and cultural values in early Childhood Education


  • Nelson Russo de Moraes Faculdade de Ciências e Engenharia – FCE, UNESP Tupã, SP
  • Celenita Gualberto Pereira Bernieri UNB
  • Jardilene Gualberto Pereira Fôlha UFT
  • Laura UFT



Ethnic-Racial Relations, Early Childhood Education, Social and Cultural Aspects


Brazilian society is multicultural, formed by several ethnic-racial groups, however, the history of many of these peoples is marked by discrimination and inequality. The re-education of ethnic-racial relations is not an exclusive responsibility of the school; however, it plays a fundamental role in this struggle. Educational practices that promote the valuation of several cultures and knowledge strengthen ethnic-racial relations in the school context, especially if they are promoted from the first years of the child's life. The article aims to study ethnic-racial relations, developed through social and cultural values, which provide significant elements for the development of babies and children. The research points out that educational practices focused on ethnic-racial relations favor to the children moments of experiences on subjects that permeate everyday life, situations that allow internalizing attitudes of respect for everyone, regardless of differences.


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Author Biographies

Nelson Russo de Moraes, Faculdade de Ciências e Engenharia – FCE, UNESP Tupã, SP

PhD in Communication and Contemporary Culture (UFBA). Master in Social Work from UNESP, Graduated in Administration from the Toledo Educational Institution of Bauru / SP. Associate Professor of the Graduate Program in Agribusiness and Development / PGAD / FCE / UNESP / Tupã.


Celenita Gualberto Pereira Bernieri, UNB

Master in Sustainability and Traditional Peoples (UNB). Graduated in Pedagogy (UNITINS) and Public Administration (UFT). Researcher of Traditional Communities, Culture, Education and Public Management (UNESP and UNB).


Jardilene Gualberto Pereira Fôlha, UFT

Master in Education (UFT), Graduated in Pedagogy (UFT). Researcher of Traditional Communities, Educational Curricula and Children (UNESP and PPGE / UFT).


Laura, UFT

Master student in Education-UFT, Graduated in Normal Superior-Unitins. Researcher of Traditional Communities and Children (UNESP and PPGE / UFT).



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How to Cite

MORAES, Nelson Russo de; BERNIERI, Celenita Gualberto Pereira; FÔLHA, Jardilene Gualberto Pereira; ALVES, Laurenita Gualberto Pereira. ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS: social and cultural values in early Childhood Education. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. a6en, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2021v7n1a6en. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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