Trends and challenges for the policy of manager training: an interdisciplinary analysis of intercultural education in the rural area


  • Celenita Gualberto Pereira Bernieri Educational Manager at the Municipal Education Department of Dianópolis
  • Solange Aparecida Machado Universidade Estadual do Tocantins



Training of managers, public policy, rural education, ethnic-racial relations


The research presents thoughts on certain trends in the training of educational managers and the needs for innovation to seek to fill the gaps related to basic education. These have been demanded under the panorama of the characteristic reality of rural education: the construction of demands in the fundamental education policy and its perspectives for transformations in the management itself. With the theoretical methodological mention of a bibliographic and documentary research, we sought historical and philosophical foundations for the integration of the categories worked and the empirical focus established in state schools in the Regional of Dianópolis, to delimit the field of the same, which according to the approach, the alternatives have been to seek to carry out self-training actions, simultaneously with the organization of practices in educational institutions. What has made possible a partial exercise of the curricular instrument, when contemplating an education that thinks with cultural diversities and ethnic-racial relations, seeking through experiences and dialogues, to appreciate and adopt community knowledge with the valorization of subjectivity in the ways of each community, showing them in the school routine. The contradiction between the legislation and the educational marginalization, shows the insufficiency in the applicability of education in the field, however, it is important to highlight the urgency in the reformulation of the policy of continuing education for managers, it is proposed to transdisciplinary.



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Biografia do Autor

Celenita Gualberto Pereira Bernieri , Educational Manager at the Municipal Education Department of Dianópolis

Master in Sustainability with Traditional Peoples and Lands (UnB). Educational Manager at the Municipal Education Department of Dianópolis-TO.

Solange Aparecida Machado, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins

Master's student in Education (UFT). Professor at Unitins and at the University of Maturity - UMA (Dianópolis campus), Tutor of the Pedagogy Course - UNOPAR.


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Como Citar

BERNIERI , Celenita Gualberto Pereira; MACHADO, Solange Aparecida. Trends and challenges for the policy of manager training: an interdisciplinary analysis of intercultural education in the rural area . Revista Observatório , [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. a14en, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2020v6n1a14en. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.