Meio ambiente, Município, Competência, Princípio federativoAbstract
The Municipality has competence in the environment, because traditionally develops in the material and normative aspects, the bundle of actions and standards for the regulation of urban life as a projection of municipal administrative police, as vectors of environmental concern (health, hygiene, welfare, peace, tranquility, security etc.) illuminate the municipal ordinances, zoning, and discipline the use and occupation of urban land, exponents of the size of the typical municipal authority to promote proper land use planning and policy urban development. The municipal legislative competence is objectively limited by the preponderance of local interest, which is why you are seeing exclusive competence in this area is also that the parameter for measuring its concurrent jurisdiction that can not invade or counteracting the field of state and federal law. This concurrent jurisdiction is restricted to typically local peculiarities from the landmarks of federal and state legislation and unreached by these proficiently. Municipalities attends legislative powers to discipline the environment concurrent title complementary or supplementary level as the predominance of local interest to act within their competence common material, as well as private title of leading local interest matter
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