DEHUMANIZING EDUCATION UNDER OBSERVATION AND REFLECTION: the education and the school as fight and resistance instruments or instruments of conservation, domestication, alienation and subordination


  • Marcelo Barboza Duarte State of Rio de Janeiro's Education and Secretariat


Mots-clés :

Education; School; Capitalism; State; System; Philosophy


The present article seeks to reflect upon the contradictions and antagonisms that permeate education, its modes and process as well as school, pedagogy, the State and the capitalist system. To do so, we begin by stressing the functional inefficiency of the educational structure and the school structure. Inefficiency that is objective and controlled by the business community and the Brazilian politicians that seeks first of all to defend the interests of the international and national capital, and then to defend their own interests. These ones, as a matter of fact, are identical to the first ones! With this in mind, starting from this reflections to the modes that pedagogy, education and philosophy have been treated in time and history, to the modes and forms that education and school act today in Brazil, we finish with relevant reflections.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Marcelo Barboza Duarte, State of Rio de Janeiro's Education and Secretariat

Master in Education, Management and Diffusion in Biosciences by the Institute of Medical Biochemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Works at the State of Rio de Janeiro's Education and Secretariat, SEER.


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Comment citer

DUARTE, Marcelo Barboza. DEHUMANIZING EDUCATION UNDER OBSERVATION AND REFLECTION: the education and the school as fight and resistance instruments or instruments of conservation, domestication, alienation and subordination. Observatoire Journal, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 4, p. a10en, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2020v6n4a10en. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 déc. 2024.