



digital stories, cyberculture, resistance


Cyberculture, our contemporary culture, creates new relationships between technology and social life. Thus, new spaces mediated by the digital technologies in network arise, in which many practices of authorship are structured and developed. The ways of narrating have been diversified, the liberation of the emission pole with web 2.0 and the development of hypermedia language has enabled not only a new way of telling stories, but also of sharing and disseminating them in networks. In this context, the present paper aims to understand the digital stories of professional development that have emerged during the context of crisis that the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) has been facing since the end of 2014 until the present time (March 2017). The movement of struggle and repudiation #UERJResiste shows us how social networks on the Internet act as spaces of authorship where indignation and hope give rise to multiple manifestations. Within this movement, the #SouUERJ campaign emerges as a protest device that uses the power of digital professional development stories and narration of personal stories in hypermedia language, resulting in a powerful creation of positioning, struggle and resistance.


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Author Biography

Edméa Santos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Pedagoga pela UCSAL, mestre e doutora em Educação pela UFBA. Pós-doutora em e-learning e EAD pela UAB-PT. Professora adjunto da Faculdade de Educação da UERJ. Atua no PROPED - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Líder do GPDOC - Grupo de Pesquisa Docência e Cibercultura. Membro do Laboratório de Imagem da UERJ. Email: edmeabaiana@gmail.com.


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How to Cite

MADDALENA, Tania Lucía; SANTOS, Edméa. #UERJRESISTE: DIGITAL PERSONAL STORIES IN TIME OF CRISIS. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 4, p. 92–115, 2017. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2017v3n4p92. Disponível em: https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/observatorio/article/view/3488. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Dossiê Temático / Thematic dossier / Dossier temático