Entre las prácticas prescritas, declaradas y efectivas
Contribuciones y desafíos de la investigación en didáctica de las ciencias humanas y sociales en la primaria
Abstract: The purposes of this paper are to report on the state of progress of the research on social studies at the elementary level in Québec and to identify the contributions and limitations of this field of research in teacher training and in the practices of teachers. A thematic content analysis of 53 academic publications clearly points to the existence of a constructivist and inclusive research paradigm centered on a critical and reflective vision of humanities and social sciences education at the elementary level. However, this research, which is essentially descriptive, fluctuates between the logic of the system (prescribed practices) and the logic of the actor (declared practices). The actual practices implemented by teachers and future teachers in complex teaching environments, as well as the learning activities carried out by students (logic of action), are two subjects that are still under-researched. Indeed, the connection between what is prescribed/declared and what really takes place in the classroom remains somewhat neglected today.
Keywords: Research, didactics, social studies, elementary level.
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