Contamination by Bacillus cereus and Risks of Food Intoxication


  • Juliana Fonseca Moreira Silva Medicina / UFT
  • Ryhára Dias Batista
  • Catiara Fernades Pereira
  • Adriana Idalina Torcato de Oliveira



Food poisoning is considered one of the biggest public health problems in the world. Mainly, due to the consumption of foods contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins.  The Bacillus cereus is a bacterium that is active in the deterioration of food and it is associated with the production of enterotoxin. The present study aimed to demonstrate the importance of Bacillus cereus through the understanding of its epidemiology, symptomatology and virulence factors of emetic and diarrheal toxins, as well as ways to avoid this type of intoxication and also ways to prevent it with treatment. Several cases of intoxication were studied in which the presence of Bacillus cereus was detected in food, equipment and utensils, showing that they are potential sources of microorganism transmission. There is a necessity to improve foodborne outbreaks reports in order to reduce the chance of new toxinfections. Therefore, food safety is extremely important for the population health, which makes it required for the implementation and intensification of control measures in the production, storage and correct sanitation of the equipments.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. F. M., Batista, R. D., Pereira, C. F., & Oliveira, A. I. T. de. (2018). Contamination by Bacillus cereus and Risks of Food Intoxication. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(2), 30–40.


