
  • Dayse Kellen de Sousa Santos
  • Natália Rodrigues Borges
  • Marina Rabelo Labre Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • José Gerley Diaz Castro
  • Renata Junqueira Pereira Universidade Federal do Tocantins



The influence of maternal nutritional status is related intrinsically the nutritional status of the conceptus, as nutritional effects add-se in complications pregnant women's clinics, giving you unnecessary risks, this for a prenatal Suitable and recommended. OBJECTIVES: to detect a prevalence of low weight and overweight / pre-pregnancy obesity and gestational risk factors controllable for prenatal nutritional assistance, detecting early the risk factors related to undesirable obstetric outcome. METHODS: This was a cross-search of nature, conducted between July 2011 and April 2012 in the city of Palmas-TO, which included Research on Food Consumption, table Monitoring and gestational chart anthropometric nutrition of pregnant Monitoring. RESULTS: Analysis of gestational nutritional evolution was perceived que 15% of respondents have developed weight suitable paragraph overweight, 14% started a gestation not underweight and remained without underweight, que being of pregnant adolescents 34.2%, started one Gestation not Underweight and maintained Underweight. As the consumption of coffee had prevalence of 56.5% between as interviewed. As the consumption of simple sugars and juices Artificial More prevalent among pregnant teenagers. CONCLUSIONS: We detected nutritional both overweight, the low birth weight, both deserve special attention, since que relate to maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates.

Author Biography

Renata Junqueira Pereira, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Professora dos Cursos de Graduação em Nutrição, Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos e Mestrado em Ciências da Saúde, do Campus UFT de Palmas.


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How to Cite

Santos, D. K. de S., Borges, N. R., Labre, M. R., Castro, J. G. D., & Pereira, R. J. (2017). NUTRITIONAL STATUS BEFORE PREGNANCY AND ON PREGNANCY: DETECTION OF NUTRITIONAL GAPS AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN SERVED BY THE PUBLIC HEALTH NETWORK OF PALMAS-TO. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 4(3), 83–90.




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