Contamination by pesticides and food safety in community gardens in the city of Palmas-TO.




Urban community gardens are a great incentive to generate income and healthy eating, because in these it is forbidden to use any pesticide in their vegetable production. These products have a strong interference in the quality of life of the human population, and bring direct consequences for public health, due to residual contamination in food. This work aimed to research urban community gardens in Palmas-TO, through a mapping of these sites, application of a questionnaire with emphasis in, a diagnosis of production, use and handling of pesticides in these environments, as well as detection of Cypermethrin, in cabbage samples produced in these sites, by CG-MS (Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry). It was found that although the producers did not indicate the use of these substances, contrary to the reports of local inspection agencies, the presence of Cypermethrin as a contaminant was detected in 87.5% of the analyzed samples. These results bring a great concern about the health of workers, and food security of the population that consumes such foods.



How to Cite

Reis Figueiredo, A., da Silva, Y. V., da Silva Gualberto, L., Guarda, E. A., & Guarda, P. M. (2023). Contamination by pesticides and food safety in community gardens in the city of Palmas-TO. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 10(Especial 1).

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