Violence and hatred towards others are ancient, but they are not natural or intrinsic to human beings. They are constructed and historically fueled, just like the sociodiscursive practices that materialize them. Despite this, violence is at the base of human relations (disputes), sustaining the power tensions that act within the webs of social relations, and hatred has been a strategy of domination, oppression, and resistance to domination and oppression. Thus, the figure of the antagonist or enemy, the target of hatred and violent practices forged in power struggles, is still fundamental in the Manichaean structure of human consciousness and subjectivities. In this process, a language and a way of signifying the world emerge, formalized by violence: necrolanguage, in necroenunciations. Based on the video of the Ministerial Meeting of April 22, 2020, in this article, we discuss the effects produced by the necroenunciations of the then Brazilian government, focused on national development, and their impacts on historically subalternized groups. Additionally, we reflect on the teacher training of these groups, based on a linguistic education that recognizes the colonial ambivalence of Portuguese, that is, its agency both as an instrument of domination and as a defense against its effects of domination. We can suggest that in the social tension, as a reaction, the necroenunciations and necroenunciates of the dominant discourses are also part of the victims' defense arguments, as they support the denunciations of social violence.
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