O gênero charge no suporte de papel e sua implicação para a produção de inferência em aula de regência no ESC III
Leitura; Inferência; Charge; aula de Língua Portuguesa.Abstract
In this article, a 6th grade class of a public school in Araguaína-Tocantins is taken in order to analyze and problematize the way students read the textual charge genre. It is worth noting that this class is part of the observation of the teacher training course from the Course of Letters / Portuguese at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) / Araguaína Campus - Cimba Unit. The method and methodology that supports this research is based on an inductive perspective once it describes a particular experience. However, some issues are likely to be universal, as conditions eventually find some universals. Students, as readers, do not undertake their reading randomly. It is our belief that Students read based on sociodemographic and cultural variables, what determines the kind of reading possible for them. The school in question presents fragile educational indicators from the point of view of the official discourse on reading and writing practices. To what concerns the way students read, it is identified that social vulnerability produces effects for classroom practice, marking, as a consequence, a school vulnerability. The analysis shows that the interlocution game between the supervisor, in this case, the researcher himself, the teacher trainer and the students was constituted distinctly by some specificities. The analysis has yet shown that students engagement in the reading of charges is actually vague, implying few moments of inference production.
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