SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS: Moçambican ethnicities


  • Antonio Francisco Sefane Universidade UniSave
  • Joseneide dos Santos Gomes Universidad Argentina John Kennedy



Representations, Ethnicities, Macuas, Tsongas


This article aims to bring a reflection on the theory of Social Representations from the perspective of Social Psychology. From the bibliographic review, an analogy is made between the theories of social representations, to a concrete society, in this case, the Mozambican society. Social representations have been a topic widely discussed by several and categorized authors, many of them addressing the relationship between cognition-knowledge, individual and society. For this purpose, three Mozambican ethnicities were analyzed, namely, Macuas-Lomués, Ndaus and Tsongas, in which, based on the bibliographic verification of their cultures, beliefs and values, a real analogy can be drawn between the theories on social and cultural representations. the behaviors of these ethnic groups, which make clear the different social representations in the different regions that form the country called Mozambique.The basis of the research was the bibliographic review, both to address the theoretical supports, as well as to address the Mozambican reality.



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Author Biographies

Antonio Francisco Sefane, Universidade UniSave

Doutor em Psicologia Social pela Universidade John Kennedy. Professor da Universidade UniSave – Moçambique.


Joseneide dos Santos Gomes, Universidad Argentina John Kennedy

PhD in Social Psychology from John Kennedy University, Argentina. IEFE University Professora and Teacher of Early Childhood Education in the Municipal Network of San Pablo-Brazil. Degree in Pedagogy from Anglo Latino-USP-University of San Pablo.


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How to Cite

SEFANE, Antonio Francisco; GOMES, Joseneide dos Santos. SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS: Moçambican ethnicities. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. a7pt, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2021v7n1a7pt. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.