El compromiso profesional afectivo de los docentes quebequenses

Estudio de un modelo teórico






The purpose of this study was to test an explanatory model of teacher commitment in Québec, taking as predictors the frequency with which new learning approaches are used, positive emotional experiences, and sense of competency. A sample of 1,205 elementary and secondary level teachers in Québec was selected from a national research database. Results from the path analysis show that the teachers’ positive emotional experiences and frequency of use of new learning approaches represent the two factors that contribute most to the variability in their affective professional commitment. In conclusion, modern assessment methods, for example problem-solving activities and long-term research projects, as well as the quality of interactions in the classroom with the students, are two important aspects that need to be taken into account by teachers and supported by school administrations.

 Keywords: Learning assessment, positive emotional experience, affective professional commitment, path analysis.

Biografía del autor/a

Carla Barroso da Costa, Université du Québec à Montréal

Professora do departamento de educação e pedagogia da Université du Québec à Montréal. Seus trabalhos estão associados à área de medida e avaliação, ligados às temáticas da eficiência e da qualidade da aprendizagem, do engajamento profissional dos professores e das prática de avaliação, a partir da utilização de metodologias quantitativas.



Cómo citar

Barroso da Costa, C. (2018). El compromiso profesional afectivo de los docentes quebequenses: Estudio de un modelo teórico. Trabalho (En)Cena, 3(1), 131–147. https://doi.org/10.20873/2526-1487V3N1P131



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