Literatura e inclusão: uma parceria ultrapassando os limites
Literatura; Educação Inclusiva; Leitura Literária.Abstract
Literature has a fundamental role for inclusive education, and the reading of literature as a daily practice – stimulated and mediated by educators – means to empower the student in its search for more autonomy. Besides, we know that some literary texts bring about a reception that helps with the debate on alterity and diversity. For that reason, this article proposes a reflection on the contributions of literature to inclusive education in regular schools in the city of Araguaína (located in the state of Tocantins, Brazil), problematizing the question of how it can be mediated in the school environment, since there is a significant deficit in inclusive education in that city. Methodologically, we adopted a bibliographical research, with a qualitative approach. To theoretically support our text, we will use the following authors: Zumthor (2014); Petit (2009); Rangel (2005); Candido (2017); Yunes (1984); Lenhardt and Costa (2012); Mantoan (2003); Silva and Fachin (2002). As a result, we indicate that literature is an effectively relevant instrument for inclusive education, as many horizons can be seen to expand in inclusive education through the practice of literary reading.
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