



Like capitalism, racism has reinvented itself and readapted itself to the various concepts and tools emerging from the 20th and 21st centuries. The internet, reality shows, the uberization of work, and all sorts of visual resources expose the social structures that foster, strengthen, and sustain the structure of racism, racial inequality, and the genocide of black Brazilians. We will reflect on the concept of race. In an academic research there is a concern about who speaks, what is spoken about, and to whom it is spoken for; therefore, we will think about how this concept is reaching the population and to whom it is addressed. And, thus, we can glimpse the following question: what kind of discourse analytic device do I need to build in order to think about race? For this, we called on Frantz Fanon, Stuart Hall, Kwame Appiah, with themes concerning race and raciality; and Ferdinand Saussure, Jaques Lacan, Mariana Cestari and Rogério Modesto, with themes concerning meaning and signifier, and racialized discourses, in order to reflect these concepts and think about them at the core of society.

Author Biography

Luiz Henrique Costa de Santana, Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco (UFAPE)

LUIZ HENRIQUE COSTA DE SANTANA é Educador Popular, Graduando da Universidade Federal do Agreste Pernambucano (UFAPE) do 7º período do curso de Licenciatura em Letras — Português e Inglês. Membro do Grupo de Estudos em História e Literatura (GEHISLIT/ PUC Minas). Tem interesse em Literatura, Literatura e memória, Metaliteratura, Estudos Literários, Estudos Culturais e Teoria Crítica d'O Imaginário. PETiano bolsista do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) — Conexões: Arte, Cultura e Educação em Comunidades populares e quilombolas na UFAPE.




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2024-05-19 — Updated on 2024-05-19


How to Cite

Henrique Costa de Santana, L., & de Freitas Silva, C. (2024). ENSAIANDO O CONCEITO DE RACIALIDADE A PARTIR DO PRISMA DISCURSIVO. Porto Das Letras, 10(1), 267–284. https://doi.org/10.20873/10.20873-2024-319877