Estudantes hispano falantes e seu aprendizado do português brasileiro
vicissitudes da linguagem formal e informal
Abstract: Narratives are a strong human tool for sharing experiences and knowledge. By narrating their experiences, subjects reveal knowledge, weaknesses, expectations, and learning. Based on this assumption, in this article we will analyze the development of Portuguese language learning by Spanish-speaking students immersed in the Brazilian context, situated between two types of language: formal or academic language and popular language. In this sense, the analysis will be based on a case study within the area of Folk Linguistics studies. To conduct this research, one question was established: What narratives emerge when students talk about their experiences practicing Brazilian Portuguese? As well as the question, one objective was posed: To describe the narratives told by students. The sample comprises two participants who live in Brazil and are pursuing a master's degree. The semi-structured interview was selected as a data collection instrument, based on questions about students' experiences learning and practicing Brazilian Portuguese. The data showed that, sample participants learn to write and speaking correctly to enter into an academic life, and not so much into a social life, and also that when they have an informal conversation, when they discover this popular Brazilian language, it takes them a little longer to understand sentences and decode the meaning of some words. In conclusion, the study revealed that when they have a social immersion, everything changes, because they learn two types of language, colloquial jargon, and academic language.
Key words: folk linguistics; language learning; Spanish-speaking students.
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