
  • Francisco Gilson Rebouças Rebouças Porto Júnior UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TOCANTINS



Innovation, Internationalization, Handcrafts, Golden Grass


This study aimed to analyze the behavior of small golden grass- producing businesses concerning innovation and internationalization. The research follows a quantitative approach and is considered an exploratory and descriptive investigation with field research, using a structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions. The unit of analysis for this study was a group of 16 artisans. The instrument was digitally applied and formulated through Google Forms, and the pre-test involved 7 artisans. This study concludes that due to the low degree of innovation among artisans, exportation has been negatively impacted. Additionally, in the light of the reviewed literature, it is inferred that, given the low level of innovative behavior, exportation among artisans is fragility.

Keywords: Innovation; Internationalization; Handcrafts; Golden Grass.


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Author Biographies


Graduated in Business Administration, Specialist in Strategic Planning, Specialist in Marketing and Market Intelligence, Specialist in Positive Psychology and Coach, Specialist in Innovative Educational Processes, Master in Administration, Doctor in Administration and Post-Doctoral in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for innovation. He has 19 years as a University Professor, of these, 12 years as Coordinator and professor of Graduate Courses, 7 years as Coordinator of Undergraduate Course, in institutions such as UniCatólica, UFT, Instituto Presidente Antônio Carlos-ITPAC and Faculdade Guaraí in the State of Tocantins. He was a business consultant, Speaker and Lecturer for 7 years in the areas of Motivation, Leadership and Strategic Management by TFC Educacional, where he was a partner-consultant. He was partner-director of the Alvo Center for Advanced Studies, where he was Pedagogical and Marketing Director of High School, and also of Lato Sensu graduate courses - Activity that lasted 7 years. At UniCatólica, he remained for 15 years, in addition to being a professor in the Administration course, he created and coordinated the higher education course in Environmental Management for 5 years, in addition to being part / coordinating the strategic planning committee for 3 years, and member of the Quality Management committee for 2 years. At the Universa Foundation he was a professor in postgraduate courses and coordinator of executive short courses for 4 years. He was President of IBIIS - Brazilian Institute of Insertion and Social Integration, for 4 years, where he developed, trained and referred hundreds of young people to the labor market. At Faculdade Guaraí, he created and coordinated the Junior Enterprise, and developed several projects in partnership with local commerce. He also served as coordinator of the Administration course for 4 years, where he developed the first events and extension projects of the course at that HEI. NA UFT Coordinated the Administration course, and also created and coordinated / coordinates the Lato Sensu postgraduate courses: MBA Expertise, Auditing and Environmental Management, MBA Financial and Budget Management, MBA Marketing, MBA Marketing and Market Intelligence, and the MBA Leadership and Training of Managers. In this same institution he is a professor of the Administration course and also of the Master's Degree in Public Administration. In these years as a professor and researcher, he developed and published in partnership with fellow professors and researchers, students, alumni more than 100 articles, more than 120 book chapters, 25 book organizations and 3 books of sole authorship. His areas of expertise are: People Management and Leadership, Strategic Marketing and Strategic Management. Today, in addition to working in teaching, he undertakes in construction and gives lectures.

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Rebouças Porto Júnior, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TOCANTINS

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Pôrto Júnior holds a PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture from the Faculty of Communication of the Federal University of Bahia (FACOM-UFBA), a master's degree in Education from the Faculty of Education (PPGE-UnB) and a degree in Social Communication/Journalism, Pedagogy, History and Letters. He has carried out postdoctoral studies/visiting professor at the Universities of Coimbra (UC-Portugal), Cádiz (UCA, Spain), Brasília (FAC-UnB) and UNESP (UNESP-SP). He is currently coordinator of the Research and Extension Center and the Lattes Group Observatory of Research Applied to Journalism and Teaching (OPAJE-UFT) and of the Center for Research, Teaching and Extension Information, Communication and Memory (INFO-UFT). He is a professor at the Federal University of Tocantins Foundation (UFT), in the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT-UFT, 2018-current) and in the Graduate Program in Sciences, Technologies and Inclusion (PGCTIN-UFF, 2021-current). He is a Collaborating Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) of the University of Coimbra (UC-Portugal). She was a Productivity Fellow (UFT, 2016-2017), having received the Hilton Japiassu Award for Excellence in Research (UFT, 2018) and the UFT Award for Scientific Dissemination (UFT, 2019). She coordinates research in journalism education, training, technological innovation and memory preservation. Research on training, teaching and educational processes in Brazil, the European Union, CPLP/PALOPS and BRICS. He has experience as a scientific editor (Revista de Pedagogia - UnB, 1999-2007; Observatory Journal, UFT-UNESP, 2015-current; Aturá Pan-Amazonian Journal of Communication, UFT-UFRR-UNIR-UFPA, 2017-current). She coordinates the International Researchers Network for Bologna (Rebol) (since 2015) and participates in the following networks: RedeCT - International Network of Researchers on Traditional Communities (since 2017, where she assumed the vice-coordination between 2017-2022), National Network of Press Observatories - RENOI (since 2015, where she assumed the coordination for the period 2022-2024), AMLAT Network - Communication, Citizenship, Education and Integration in Latin America (since 2019) and RNCD - National Network to Combat Disinformation (since 2020).


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How to Cite

DA MOTA PACHECO, FLAVIO AUGUSTUS; REBOUÇAS PORTO JÚNIOR, Francisco Gilson Rebouças. The INNOVATION AND INTERNATIONALIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HANDCRAFTED OF GOLDEN GRASS PIECES. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. a40pt, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2023v9n1a40pt. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.

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