Didáctica profesional y formación docente
Aportes conceptuales para formar de otra manera
Over the past few decades, in order to renew and modernize the teaching profession, many educational systems around the world, including those in Québec and France, have carried out a number of reforms in teacher education programs. In order to ameliorate the functioning of these programs, some education systems have turned to professional didactics in order to improve the fields of education and teacher education. However, the use of professional didactics in these fields is recent. To sketch a portrait of how professional didactics is used in education and in the training of school staff, this paper sheds some light on the key concepts that have emerged from this area of study, namely situation, knowledge and activity. The paper addresses the relationships between these concepts, and attempts to figure out the contribution of each to education.
Keywords: Professional didactics, teacher education, job analysis, teaching activity, knowledge, situation.
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