"If you retire and do not continue having fun in your life, you will retire to what?”
The present article sought to investigate aspects that influence inactive professors of a Federal Institution of Higher Education (IFES) in the return to work. Seven professors who returned to the Institution after retirement were interviewed, and among them six returned to work without any financial advantage. We sought to analyze the significance of this transition phase for the interviewees, and how the decision to return to or stay in the institution after retirement was made. It was found that, although they affirm that they currently have a more autonomous routine, some describe a highly intensified labor day. By emphasizing that teaching occupies a crucial place in their lives, they confirm the relevance of this work in the constitution of their subjectivities and the difficulty of breaking the employment bond and accepting retirement.
Keywords: Work Psychodynamics; Sense of work; Retirement; Subjectivity.
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