Mental Health of Workers in Education: An experience report from the Psychodynamic Occupational Clinic



This paper presents an experience report about the individual clinical listening of municipal public education workers. Its aim was to reflect on the possibilities of enhancing mental health, based on qualified listening. The reports indicate: difficulties in socio-professional relationships, exhaustion, insecurity, devaluation and impotence as potentiators of mental illness. The Occupational Clinic, in addition to providing the resignification of the psychic suffering of the educators, made possible to problematize about the practices of Psychology, showing itself to be a powerful alternative for interventions.

Key words: Mental Health at Work. Psychodynamic Occupational Clinic. Public Education.

Author Biographies

Grace Oliveira dos Santos, Unisinos

Possui graduação em Psicologia pela UNISINOS. Voluntária no Grupo de Pesquisa em Saúde do Trabalhador -LABORClínica - Laboratório de Psicologia Clínica do Trabalho - vinculado ao PPG Psicologia Clínica (UNISINOS). 

Janine Kieling Monteiro, Unisinos

Possui doutorado em Psicologia pela UFRGS. Atualmente é professora na Graduação, no Mestrado e no Doutorado em Psicologia na UNISINOS, onde coordena o LABORClínica - Laboratório de Psicologia Clínica. É coordenadora do Grupo de Trabalho Psicodinâmica e Clínica do Trabalho na ANPEPP.




How to Cite

Santos, G. O. dos, & Monteiro, J. K. (2018). Mental Health of Workers in Education: An experience report from the Psychodynamic Occupational Clinic. Trabalho (En)Cena, 3(2), 144–156. Retrieved from



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