Keeping color of sausage


  • Mariana Silva Araújo
  • Fábio Santos da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Gabriel Montagnini Oliveira
  • Noé Ferreira Júnior
  • Victor Hugo Rodrigues
  • Adriana Régia Marques de Souza



The sausage is a stuffing made in the emulsion of meat of different species of animals, as is customary in its composition. In meat products, its color is defined as the content and shape of myoglobin. The present study evaluated a variation of the temperature in a certain measure, varying the time. The CIELab system was used to determine the color, thus a luminosity (L) ranging from zero (black) to 100 (white), (a*) varies between yellow and green, (b*) varies between yellow and blue and (c) (chroma) indicating a color saturation. With the result of the degradation of the sample of the sample, a solution of order was observed, being a degradation of the sample linearly connected to the cooking time.


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How to Cite

Araújo, M. S., da Silva, F. S., Oliveira, G. M., Júnior, N. F., Rodrigues, V. H., & de Souza, A. R. M. (2019). Keeping color of sausage. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 6(Especial), 86–90.