Extraction of graviola seed flour tanks by ultrassom


  • Vania Maria Alves UFT
  • katiucia alves amorim UFG
  • danilo jose machado abreu
  • Jéssyca Santos Silva
  • eduardo ramirez asquieri
  • clarissa damiani




Tannins are phenolic derivatives, responsible for the addition of many fruits and vegetable products, due to the precipitation of salivary glycoproteins, which causes the loss of lubricating power, considered antinutritional. This study was applied a therapy of extraction of different levels of vitamin from soursop for ultrasonic bath with different solvents. The tannins were extracted through the ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes at room temperature while solvents in 70% ethanol, distilled water and 50% methanol, the tannins were extracted according to the Folin-Denis methodology. An extraction of 572.93, 589.76, 689.46 (equivalent to tannic acid / 100g of sample) distilled water, 70% ethanol and 50% methanol respectively, was not observed significant difference between the solvents, in addition The weight dose can not be compared to health, but can be applied to human food.


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How to Cite

Alves, V. M., amorim, katiucia alves, abreu, danilo jose machado, Santos Silva, J., asquieri, eduardo ramirez, & damiani, clarissa. (2019). Extraction of graviola seed flour tanks by ultrassom. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 6(Especial), 54–59. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359365220196Especialp54

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