
  • Thatiellen Menezes Ferreira Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Liliam Deisy Ghizoni Universidade Federal do Tocantins



In the present paper we show the results of a research that mapped out the psychosocial risks at work of the state police staff linked to the 1st Independent Company of Arraias, State of Tocantins. The Protocol for the Assessment of Occupational Psychosocial Risks (PROART) was employed, with the participation of 62.7% of the target population. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used. The results show that the contingent in the Task Division (75.7%) was prone to higher psychosocial risks than that in the Social Work Division (62.1%). There is a slight predominance of the Managerial Style in regard to the Collective. As for the risks of pathogenic suffering, the study showed a low risk regarding the Lack of Meaning attributed to the work and the Lack of Recognition, while the Mental Exhaustion factor had an average risk (52.7%). A low risk was identified for psychosocial damages and a medium risk for physical damage (48.6%). It is concluded that the State Police Officers of this Company are exposed to Medium Psychosocial Risks in regard to the way the organization is structured, mainly in what concerns the low contingent number, the little autonomy and freedom of expression, as well as the political interference in the Company’s decisions. This represents a state of alert where the organization of work should intervene in the medium to short term in order to avoid the possible sickness of its workers.

Key words: Psychodynamics of Work; Psychosocial Risks; State Police of Tocantins.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, T. M., & Ghizoni, L. D. (2018). MAPPING OUT PSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS RELATED TO WORK OF PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE STATE OF TOCANTINS: THE CASE OF STATE POLICE OFFICERS OF ARRAIAS. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(Especial), 3–19.

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