Disinfection by peracetic acid for pos-treatment of wastewater of cattle slaughterhouse for reuse


  • Grasiele Soares Cavallini UFT
  • Wesley Pereira Silva UFT
  • Mayara Ferreira Gonzaga UFT




Bovine farming is one of the main productive activities of Brazilian agribusiness, placing the country in the first place in beef exports in the world. The large number of slaughter of animals implies in the generation of high volume of liquid effluent, being estimated a consumption of 2500L of water per slaughtered animal. This effluent, in addition to being rich in organic matter, also presents pathogenic microorganisms from the lavas of the viscera and feces of the animals. The necessary inactivation of these microorganisms does not occur through secondary treatment, such as stabilization ponds, the most used treatment for this type of effluent, restricting the possibilities of reuse of this effluent. For this reason, this work investigated a non-chlorinated disinfectant, peracetic acid (PAA) 15%, which allows, in addition to disinfection, oxygenation of the effluent. The proposed tertiary treatment had the objective of improving the quality of the final effluent for its possible reuse. The concentration of 5mg/L APA at a contact time of 10 minutes was sufficient for the microbiological suitability required by the EPA Reuse Manual for restrictive agricultural reuse. However, the dosage of 20mg/L APA, in addition to greater disinfection, does not increase BOD of the effluent.

Keywords: Effluent reuse, pasture irrigation, peracetic acid.


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How to Cite

Cavallini, G. S., Silva, W. P., & Gonzaga, M. F. (2017). Disinfection by peracetic acid for pos-treatment of wastewater of cattle slaughterhouse for reuse. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 4(4), 41–50. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359-3652.2017v4n4p41


