Toxic plant species of the Euphorbiaceae family: an analysis of the distribution and the cases of poisoning recorded in Araguaína, TO


  • Claudia Scareli-Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Suely Machado da Silva
  • Jéssica Nayara Lopes Oliveira Lima
  • Thainara Monteiro Parente
  • Helayne Carvalho Lima
  • Jacqueline Silva Almeida



Euphorbia milii, Jatropha curcas, Tocantins


The present study aimed to conduct a census of toxic species in the family Euphorbiaceae present in Araguaína, TO and assess the number locations of poisoning cases by toxic plants. The survey was conducted in 35 randomly selected neighborhoods. Of these 35 sectors found in 77.14 % Jatropha curcas and 22.86% Euphorbia milii. The three sectors where more individuals of J. curcas, in Loteamento Jorge Martins were found (51.8%), São Miguel (55.5%) and Céu Azul (70.37%). The values of E. milii were in m2, greater occurrence of this species in Manoel da Cunha (2.05 m2) and Palmas sector (0.05m2). In period  2009 -2015 were 37 cases of poisoning, 30 of these cases are city dwellers of Araguaína, these kinds J.curcas was responsible for 53.33% of poisoning, other cases was caused by Dieffenbachia picta (10%), 36.66% the cause of the poisoning species was not identified. The majority of the cases registered (96.29%) is associated with children aged from one to 10 years old. The results may help in the preparation of informative material about the poisoning cases, as well as species related with the highest occurrence, alerting the population about the dangers of eating poisonous plants.

Author Biographies

Claudia Scareli-Santos, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Curso de Biologia àreas: Botânica e Ecologia

Suely Machado da Silva

Graduada em Biologia, modalidade licenciatura pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus Araguaína, TO.

Jéssica Nayara Lopes Oliveira Lima

Graduada em Biologia, modalidade Licenciatura, pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus Araguaína, TO.

Thainara Monteiro Parente

Graduada em Biologia, modalidade licenciatura pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus Araguaína, TO.

Helayne Carvalho Lima

Graduada em Biologia, modalidade Licenciatura, pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, câmpus Araguaína, TO.

Jacqueline Silva Almeida

Graduada em Biologia, modalidade Licenciatura, pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, câ

mpus Araguaína, TO.


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How to Cite

Scareli-Santos, C., Machado da Silva, S., Lopes Oliveira Lima, J. N., Monteiro Parente, T., Carvalho Lima, H., & Silva Almeida, J. (2017). Toxic plant species of the Euphorbiaceae family: an analysis of the distribution and the cases of poisoning recorded in Araguaína, TO. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 4(1), 95–103.




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