The use of traditional medicine in the SUS and snake accidents in a city in Legal Amamzon


  • Márcio Trevisan Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Carla Simone Seibert Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Márcio Galdino dos Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins



The use of medicinal plants associated with popular practices can assist Primary Health Care in planning care lines. This work raised the knowledge of health professionals and users of the Health Units in Palmas / TO, through an electronic form, on the use of medicinal plants for general use and in accidents with snakes. Within the results it was found that the effectiveness of integrative policies involving traditional medicine are not yet consolidated. It was noticed that there is recognition about the importance of traditional medicine, but with discreet use by health professionals. On the other hand, the daily use of medicinal plants by the community was evident, including recognizing traditional anti-phidic options such as tipi herb, tiú potato, buriti oil and araticum. Habits that seem to be linked to the set of diverse customs and not as an influence of a particular cultural practice. Thus, from the results obtained, it is concluded that there is a possibility to expand the integrative actions associated with traditional medicine in Primary Health Care, favoring popular habits and customs, valuing biodiversity and strengthening bonds with the community to assist in expanding the autonomy of the user in health care.



How to Cite

Trevisan, M., Seibert, C. S. ., & dos Santos, M. G. (2021). The use of traditional medicine in the SUS and snake accidents in a city in Legal Amamzon. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 8(2), 93–109.




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