Flammability of forest species from the Cerrado sensu stricto and its potential for implementing a safety curtain





flammability, epirradiador, forest fires, cerrado


Forest fires can be considered as one of the major environmental problems today, causing damage on a local and even global scale. Studies involving the determination of flammability of plant species as well as their potential for application as safety curtains are still scarce. Safety curtains consist of plantings with less flammable species than the main crop, which aims to reduce and / or prevent the spread of fire. The study of the flammability of the main species of a plant formation is essential and helps to draw a profile of the behavior of the fire, as well as to establish which species can be used in this protection method. In this sense, this article aimed to evaluate the flammability characteristics of six forest species in the Cerrado in Tocantins: Tartarena (Tachigali aurea Tul.), White Velvet (Guettarda viburnoides), Redondinha (Antonia ovata Pohl), Pau de Leite (Himatanthus obovatus) and Pau Pombo (Tapirira obtusa), using the methodology proposed by Petriccione (2006) and Valette (1992) and their potential in application as safety curtains. The experimental burns were carried out in an Epirator with a nominal power of 500 W, with a controlled temperature range around 600 ° C. The humidity (%) of each species was determined and then the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each species was carried out to compare the means and Pearson's correlation analysis. From the analyzes it was possible to obtain the species flammability data by determining the ignition frequency (FI), the ignition time (TI), the combustion time (TC) and the flame height (HC). Regarding the studied species, no significant correlation was observed between the moisture and flammability data. However, further studies are needed to analyze the correlation of species flammability data with specific plant characteristics, both physiological and ecological. It was found that only one of the studied species was considered to be low flammable (Tachigali aurea), standing out with values ​​significantly lower than the others, which suggests its potential for use in safety curtains, with the remaining five studied being considered moderately or highly flammable.


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How to Cite

da Silva Cintra, L., Oliveira, G. I. S. de, Silva, F. de C. S. da, Souza, I. V., Giongo, M. ., & Batista, A. C. . (2020). Flammability of forest species from the Cerrado sensu stricto and its potential for implementing a safety curtain. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 8(4), 290–296. https://doi.org/10.20873/jbb.uft.cemaf.v8n4.cintra

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