Study of tree vegetation in a segment of BR-116, in Rio Grande do Sul


  • Nilton José Sousa Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Eduardo Ratton Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Leonardo de Marino Treml Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Dartagnan Baggio Emerenciano Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Alexandre França Tetto Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Nelson Carlos Rosot Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Eduardo Henrique Rezende Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Antonio Carlos Batista Universidade Federal do Paraná



horizontal structure, vertical structure, inventory, phytophysiognomy


The objective of this work was to analyze the structure and diversity of tree vegetation in the montane mixed ombrophilous forest fragments in the domain strip of a segment of BR-116, in Rio Grande do Sul. 19 plots were installed in the total area of 149, 98 ago. Trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm were part of the survey, and commercial height and DBH were identified and determined. The horizontal and vertical structures of the vegetation were analyzed. For the horizontal structure was calculated: total number of individuals sampled, absolute density, relative density of the species, absolute frequency, relative frequency, absolute dominance, relative dominance, importance value and coverage value. For the vertical structure, the forest stratification was defined by determining the absolute sociological position and relative sociological position. Some indices related to environmental diversity were also calculated: Shannon-Weaver Index, Pielou Equability, Simpson Index and Jentsch Mixing Coefficient. In the evaluated area were found 1042 individuals, belonging to 75 species and distributed in 33 families. The most important species in the horizontal structure of the vegetation were: Lithraea brasiliensis, Cinnamomum amoenum, Nectandra megapotamica, Styrax leprosus, Quillaja brasiliensis and Ocotea puberula. The species Lithraea brasiliensis, Styrax leprosus, Nectandra megapotamica, Cinnamomum amoenum, Cupania vernalis and Sebastiania commersoniana were the main ones in relation to the horizontal structure of the vegetation. The values of the calculated environmental indices were adequate for the characteristic vegetation patterns of montane ombrophilous forest. In the evaluated areas there was a predominance of species of the Myrtaceae family, being the Lithraea brasiliensis species the most important in the horizontal and vertical forest structures. The values of the calculated environmental indices were adequate for the characteristic vegetation patterns of montane ombrophilous forest.


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How to Cite

Sousa, N. J., Ratton, E., Treml, L. de M., Emerenciano, D. B., Tetto, A. F., Rosot, N. C. ., … Batista, A. C. (2019). Study of tree vegetation in a segment of BR-116, in Rio Grande do Sul. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(3), 380–390.

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