Climate classification for Minas Gerais State according to the Holdridge life zones




climate, biotemperature, rainfall


The climate exerts a notable influence on the processes of the planet, whether in the daily life of people, in the distribution of plant and animal species or in agroforestry activities. Numerous classifications were proposed to determine the climate of a region. In 1947, Holdridge proposed the life zones classification using biotemperature, rainfall, altitude and latitude data. Thus, the aim of this work was to classify the state of Minas Gerais according to the Holdridge life zones, as well as compare it with Köppen’s climate classification and the distribution of vegetation in the state. For this, a historical series of 25 years meteorological records data were used, in addition to the classification of Köppen and the vegetation classes of the state. Nine life zones were found and the most representative were premontane tropical moist forest (45.1%), subtropical moist forest (19.1%) and premontane tropical dry forest (10.8%). When comparing the Köppen’s climate classification and Holdridge life zones, it was found that the classifications that obtained the highest value relation to premontane tropical moist forest were Cwa (58.2%) and Cwb (50.3%). In comparison with the vegetation classes it was verified that premontane tropical moist forest had a greater relation with savanna (67.3%) and savanna/seasonal forest (72.3%). Based on the results obtained, it was observed that Holdridge life zones showed a good relation in the comparisons with Köppen and the vegetation map and is therefore suitable for classification of the state of Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, H. R., Tres, A., Tetto, A. F., Soares, R. V., Wendling, W. T., & Batista, A. C. (2019). Climate classification for Minas Gerais State according to the Holdridge life zones. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(2).

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