Comparison of height increment through trunk analysis by digital and manual method in Eucalytus spp.




Conventional Anatro, digital method, ArcMap


Growth rings are a database that allows us to quantify and evaluate their interaction with the environment. The most commonly used method for performing complete stem analysis (ANATRO) is the so-called conventional one, such methodology allows tracking the past growth of a tree. The objective of this work was to compare conventional and digital ANATRO using ArcMap software in order to facilitate and accelerate data collection. The study was conducted on a private property in the municipality of Aliança do Tocantins. Data were collected from a 7-year-old Eucalyptus plantation with 2.5 x 4.0 m spacing (1,000 trees / ha). The selection of the trees used was made from the diametric frequency distribution. Three clones of VM-58 were selected. The results were satisfactory when comparing the data obtained from the ANATRO manual method with the digital one, allowing us possible alternatives when there is no possibility of manual.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. C., Martins, J. da S., Coelho, M. C. B., Giongo, M., Pereira, J. F., & dos Santos, A. F. (2019). Comparison of height increment through trunk analysis by digital and manual method in Eucalytus spp. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(3), 374–379.

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