Use of Bacillus subtilis as a growth promoter in tomato and lettuce crops




Lactuca sativa, Solanum lycopersicum, vegetables, Microorganisms


Rhizobacteria of the genus Bacillus, which are found in the rhizosphere, live in colonies, promote plant growth and have the potential to control phytopathogens through the release of volatile compounds. Therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of Bacillus subtilis Bs10 in promoting the growth of tomato and lettuce plants. The experiment was carried out in trays with 25 plants per treatment. B. subtilis inoculation was carried out at the time of planting using 1 mL of suspension in each cell. A completely randomized design was used with two treatments, with and without Bacillus inoculation. Assessments for both crops were carried out 28 days after germination, where plant height, shoot dry mass (SDM) and root dry mass (RDM) were determined. The hypothesis of equality between the means of the two evaluated treatments was made by the F test of the analysis of variance for p = 0.05, using the SISVAR statistical program. During the evaluations, the treatment with B. subtilis obtained the best results in all aspects, presenting significant differences in relation to the control. The treatment with inoculation of B. subtilis Bs10 showed higher MSPA in lettuce and tomato seedlings, obtaining a significant difference in relation to the control without inoculation, with a greater difference in lettuce with 21.67% more MSPA compared to the control, and in tomatoes with 18.61%. Therefore, according to the results obtained, B. subtilis Bs10 is efficient in promoting the growth of tomato and lettuce plants.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity



How to Cite

Junior, A. F. C., Chagas, L. F. B., Nobrega, G. S., Giongo, M., Moura, D. M. de O., Ferreira, A. L. L., … Scheidt, G. N. (2023). Use of Bacillus subtilis as a growth promoter in tomato and lettuce crops. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 11(4), 153–159.

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