Enem, besides high school evaluation, is a way of entrance in federal public universities. Enem’s grade became a competition instrument and the essay test is the measure of excellence of the candidates. Thus, Enem’s essay became a reference of discursive argumentative text and, in turn, changed the conceptions of genre and writing teaching in elementary education and guided the teaching formation in Languages. In this discussion, our goal is to problematize how the written text hegemony on the other textualities reproduces the systemic oppression of the colonial mentality, violating the poor and subordinate groups in a legitimized process of epistemic racism. For that, we raise two problem-questions: 1) how to establish disputes for space between hegemonic and non hegemonic textualities at school? 2) how to contemplate “the right to linguistic learning” to the legal subjects of politics of affirmative actions about the text practice without violating its epistemologies? We don’t intend to give answers to these questions, we want to enhance the reflections and the debates to promote social and existential justice through education. As base materiality of the discussion, we start from the weaving as the ancestral practice of those who live in Cerrado, which through the act of weaving converges hegemonic and non hegemonic knowledge, interculturalizing the school and promoting the linguistic and epistemic diversity. The theoretical support of the discussion is based on the structure of Enem’s discursive argumentative text and on the conceptions of Amefrican-ladin alterivist sociolinguistic.
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