This research aims to analyze the social functioning of the cartoon genre and its use as a reading strategy in the context of Basic Education, in elementary school. The text is an excerpt from a monographic work carried out in the Portuguese Language Language and Codes Course. As developments of the general objective, we have the following specific objectives: a) to investigate the importance of multisemiosis as a reading strategy for the cartoon genre; b) analyze dialogical and ideological relationships in the construction of meanings in the cartoon; c) reflect on the importance of the cartoon genre as an object of teaching in basic education. The problem is: what aspects of the social functioning of the cartoon genre and how can it be used as a reading teaching strategy in the context of Basic Education. For theoretical discussion, we have Bakthin (2009; 2011); Marcuschi (2002;2004); Rojo and Barbosa (2015); Miller (2009), among others. The research is qualitative, bibliographic and documentary in nature. The corpus is made up of texts belonging to cartoons taken from Blog do Amarildo. Four cartoons from this blog were selected to analyze these texts with themes related to the pandemic. As results, we highlight the importance of the cartoon genre as a teaching object for the formation of a critical reader with regard to political-journalistic events. We also emphasize the need for a reading that includes strategies aimed at the functional aspects of the cartoon genre, such as place of circulation, multisemiotic character, dialogic and ideological aspects.
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