
  • Lyanna Carvalho Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Nayara Damasceno da Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins


This article explores the intersections between literature and history in José Eduardo Agualusa's novel Nação Crioula. Through the lens of metafictional devices, the novel deconstructs the official history of Angola, questioning the traditional discourses on colonialism, slavery and identity formation. Drawing on the concepts of metafiction historiography and postcolonial theory, the article examines how Agualusa's work challenges the notion of fixed identities and the linear narrative of history. Furthermore, the article discusses how the novel addresses the complexities of identity formation in the postmodern and globalized world, marked by the flow of people, cultures and histories. Through a close reading of the love story between Fradique Mendes and Ana Olímpia, the article highlights how Agualusa employs literary techniques to shed light on the multiple layers of historical and cultural identity. Overall, the article argues that Nação Crioula is a powerful example of how literature can engage with history and identity formation in a critical way.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, L., & Damasceno da Silva, N. (2024). ROTA MARÍTIMA DO ÚLTIMO NAVIO NEGREIRO: AS CARTAS DE FRADIQUE MENDES . Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 311 – 330. Retrieved from