

The Almanaque de Lembranças Luso-Brasileiro (ALLB) was a publication launched in Paris, in 1851, and circulated uninterruptedly until 1932. Published in Portugal, the ALLB also circulated in Brazil and in the Portuguese colonies in Africa. In Brazil the referred almanac had a success circulation helping in the cultural and linguistic constitution between Portugal and Brazil, as already indicated by its editors in the first numbers of its publication. In the comparison between people who contributed to this almanac, the number of female writers (called “Ladies”) is much smaller in relation to the male contribution (treated as “Authors”). With the exception of its inaugural number, all other editions are part of the collection of CLEPUL (Center for Lusophone and European Literature and Culture), an organ of the College of Letters, University of Lisbon. CLEPUL has been engaged, among other projects, in building an important descriptive and, above all, analytical collection on almanacs in Portuguese. Therefore, this work have as main objective to present part of the textual production of Amazonian women, taking the production of poetry as a corpus. This is a documentary research (where the source is the Almanaque de Lembranças Luso-Brasileiro) and a bibliographical research, where the analysis of relevant theories will be taken into account (CHAVES, 2011; DUTRA, 2011; LOUSADA & CARDOSO, 2012) on the same object and in different aspects.

Keywords: Almanaque de Lembranças Luso-Brasileiro; female writing; Amazon.

Author Biography

Germana Sales, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

 Doutora em Teoria e História Literária pela UNICAMP, professora Titular da Faculdade de Letras (Instituto de Letras e Comunicação) da UFPA. 


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CHAVES, V. Notas para o estudo da presença feminina no Almanaque de Lembranças Luso-Brasileiro. In: Revista navegações, v. 4, n. 2, jul.-dez. 2011, p. 187-192.

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How to Cite

de Vilhena Lima Caldas, N., & Sales, G. (2024). WOMEN FROM AMAZONIA IN ALMANAQUE DE LEMBRANÇAS LUSO-BRASILEIRO . Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 137 – 148 . Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/17428