

The present work aims to present the analysis of the booklet produced by the researchers who are part of the Grupo de Estudos do Sentido do Tocantins (GESTO), which emerged as one of the extension actions of the university, members of the project of the Dean of Extension, Culture and Community Affairs (PROEX) in Portuguese at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT). The project addresses questions about the Guerrilha do Araguaia and the impacts of this conflict in the city of Xambioá, in the northern region of the State of Tocantins. The objective is to present the importance of this theme for the inhabitants of the region of Xambioá – in particular public high school students – using the testimonial literature as a manifesto of resistance and fight against the erasure of the memory of the survivors of the years of “lead”, and taking these memories into account, we encourage reflection on the history of the city of Xambioá, promoting a perception of the historical moment of the Guerrilha do Araguaia years, which correspond to the 60s and 70s dominated by violence and silencing , as well as resistance from the guerrillas and other people who fought against the dictatorial regime in force at the time.


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How to Cite

Jéssica Ferreira Costa Guimarães, Érica . (2024). GUERRILHA DO ARAGUAIA: UMA PROPOSTA PEDAGÓGICA A PARTIR DA LITERATURA DE TESTEMUNHO. Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 191 – 211 . Retrieved from