Narrativas da Literatura Infantojuvenil que potencializam o imaginário e o espaço amazônicos por meio das linguagens verbal e visual



Contemporary children's literature provides us with readings in which we are provoked to place ourselves as co-authors, producers of the meanings that the text allows. Verbal and visual languages can potentiate the subjects, the spaces, the imaginary, the knowledge and the discourses produced. The objective of this communication is to present some literary works of children's literature that thematize the Amazon and enhance the imaginary and the Amazonian space. This potentiation is not configured only by the verbal discourse, but other plastic elements such as the illustration, the colors, the position of the characters on the sheet, the size of the letter and the characters, the graphic design, the double sheet and the typography, contribute to the imaginary and the space being visualized and questioned in its identity construction. The works to be discussed are Wisdom of the waters, by Daniel Munduruku and illustration by Fernando Vilela; Diary of the waters, by Gabriela Romeo and illustration by Kammal João; Ipaty, the curumim of the jungle, by Ely Macuxi and illustration by Mauricio Negro; and The story of the children who planted a river, by Daniel da Rocha Leite and illustration by Maciste Costa. They are narratives that thematize the Amazon through different biases and potentiate the Amazonian imaginary and space through verbal and visual languages. The theoretical analytical path is based on the studies of Loureiro (2001, 2007, 2013, 2015), Munduruku (2009), Padua (2022), Velthen (2019), Pizarro (2012), Candido (1972), Tocantins (2001) and Oliveira (2008). The methodology adopted is the analytical bibliographic research. We propose to the readers to reflect and question the various layers of readings and meanings existing in the narratives about the Amazon, in a perspective of contemporary children's literature.

Author Biography

Queila Barbosa Lopes, Universidade Federal do Acre

Doutora em Estudos Linguísticos (UNESP -2019); Mestra em Letras: Linguagem e Identidade (UFAC - 2008); Licenciada em Letra-Ingles (UFAC-2000); Professora Adjunta de Língua Inglesa lotada no Centro de Educação, Letras e Artes da UFAC. Coordenadora do Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Letras: Linguagem e Identidade. Coordenadora Institucional do Pibid-Ufac.
Área: Linguística Aplicada. Coordena o Grupo de Pesquisa DALI - Digitalidades e Aprendizagem de Línguas. E-mail:


Iza Reis Gomes - Pós-doutoranda Bolsista Capes PDPG da Universidade do Acre



How to Cite

Reis Gomes, I., & Barbosa Lopes, Q. (2024). Narrativas da Literatura Infantojuvenil que potencializam o imaginário e o espaço amazônicos por meio das linguagens verbal e visual. Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 279 – 296 . Retrieved from