Nevoeiro ou Neblina no Amanhecer: Variação Linguística nos Dados do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil (ALiB)


  • Genivaldo da Conceição Oliveira Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia - UFRB


ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of the analysis of the registered lexicon, in the states of Bahia and Paraná, in the semantic field atmospheric phenomena with the objective of contributing to better knowledge of the Brazilian Portuguese, as it is presented in the cities that constitute the network of points of the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (ALiB) in these two states. Our research is based on the theoretical principles of Dialectology, Sociolinguistics and Lexicology. The corpus is made up of na extract of ALiB data consisting of questions 21 and 22 of the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire (QSL) and uses the Geolinguistic method for the spatial analysis of the data. We emphasize the diatopic aspect, however, we resort, in a peripheral way, to the analysis of other variables such as diastratic and deagenerational. We conclude that for questions 21 and 22, the most productive fog and dawn variants appear distributed throughout the mesoregions of Bahia and Paraná. The variants that occurred only in Bahia or only in Paraná were not provided by a significant number of informants. We verified, therefore, that in terms of diatopic analysis, in this analyzed section, the most relevant result is the fact that the distribution of variants has a more homogeneous character than heterogenuos.

Keywords: Dialectology; Geolinguistics; Sociolinguistics; Variation.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, G. da C. (2023). Nevoeiro ou Neblina no Amanhecer: Variação Linguística nos Dados do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil (ALiB). Porto Das Letras, 9(Especial), 460–479. Retrieved from



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