The Human Animal and the Inhuman in Meia Pata by Ricardo Dantas
This research aims to investigate the construction of subjectivity and alterity through the interaction of the characters Daniel and Meia Pata in the wild forest of Caracaraí, in the state of Roraima, as presented in the novel Meia Pata (2013) by Ricardo Dantas. To do so, our research touches on what Jacques Derrida, a key thinker for this analysis, criticizes as the relationship established between human and inhuman animals: a relationship of violent and dominating exploitation. This occurs because the idea of animal in the West adopts the Cartesian concept of animal as a machine, without feelings or language, enabling its annihilation or indiscriminate use of their bodies. However, in the analyzed work, the jaguar exhibits feelings and strategic reasoning, just as the human animal develops survival instincts in the forest, as well as familiarity with wild life. These events bring the subjectivities closer and put them in a relational condition, pointing towards a becoming without calculation of their identities.
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