

Exercise of architectural analysis in a musical work of art. The values/choices of the content formally arranged in relation to the value centers are taken into account, facing the demands of the material in the arc of culture in perspective of language and education. Human values can be recognized in listening (musical thinking, abductive-inductive) and named verbally (verbal thinking, inductive-deductive), thanks to language capacity or the play of musement when dealing with signs and languages. The great discursive challenge (ethical, aesthetic and cognitive), is that in music, musical signs (more iconic) do not define or conceptualize the values of their heroes as verbal signs do (more symbolic). I justify the narrative research methodology to think the musical discourse the verbal discourse related to it; narrating and musicing are symbolic-verbal and iconic-musical reasoning-expressions that become experiences/knowledge. However, in musical language (taking instrumental music) whose art is conceptually free, the heroes are the sound movements in time and space of the linear-horizontal and the simultaneous-vertical acoustic-rhythmic-harmonic tensions and attractions perceived in the extra-aesthetic material as emotions-volitions of the life aesthetically shaped by the author-creator who is also author-contemplator. This whole track provides models or cultures that emphasize what society considers valuable in music according to the values and knowledge impregnated in the historical-cultural worldview. I consider that this analysis about the contents of music contributes with the discourses, its forms, its values/contents in the verbal material that can instigate musical listening, besides a good discussion for teaching and valuing (the role) of music in school.



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How to Cite

Serodio, L. A. (2023). EXERCÍCIO DE ANÁLISE ARQUITETÔNICA/BAKHTINIANA: CONTEÚDO DA MÚSICA NA EDUCAÇÃO. Porto Das Letras, 9(1), 230–254. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/15691