



This paper aims to observe how the body of Antigone, the protagonist of the Sophoclean play of the same name, is used as a tool of self-imposition, both in the theatrical text and in the two film adaptations selected for this dialogue: the 1961 adaptation, directed by Yorgos Javellas; and the adaptation by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub, produced in 1992. Knowing that the socio-historical and patriarchal context of Athens in the 4th century BC brought a series of restrictions to women, it will be sought how the disposition of the female character's body carries the authority of consciousness and actions over herself when she should be under the yoke of Creon, doubly powerful before her: besides being the tyrant of Thebes, he is also her father-family. For this, we will use the ideas of Linda Hutcheon (2013), BORDWELL and THOMPSON (2013) on cinema and adaptation; the texts of Aristotle (2017), CARMO (2006) and KITTO (1990) on tragedies and antiquity, among other theoretical contributions that proved relevant to the discussion.  


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How to Cite

Ferreira Soares, T. (2024). OBSERVAÇÕES SOBRE O CORPO EM ANTIGONA: ENTRE O TEXTO E AS ADAPTAÇÕES FÍLMICAS (1961 E 1992). Porto Das Letras, 10(2), 346–372. https://doi.org/10.20873.24219