Amazonian oral narratives in the teaching and learning of spanish as a foreign language (SFL): considerations about the myth of Curupira in the educational context of rural areas



This paper aims to present some considerations on the use of Amazonian oral narratives in the rural educational context, based on the myth of Curupira in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). We consider that this "genius guardian of the forest" (CASCUDO, 2008), protector of the forests (MAGALHÃES, 1975), assumes a relevant role in the daily life of the people who live in the rural hinterland, merging and blending with reality. The image of the guardian of the forests is multiple, as the Curupira acquires new colours, shapes and attributes, making it clear that it is a supernatural being that emanates strength and vigour in its mission to defend our forests. To better understand the spirit whose mission is to protect the forest, as a theoretical basis we are guided by authors such as Cascudo (2008), Magán (2010), Cosson (2021; 2014), Colombres (2010; 2016; 2017), among others. We will present some guidelines for the use of this literature in the classroom, as a way of offering the learner of the foreign language in question the possibility of broadening and deepening linguistic and cultural knowledge, from their own reality, but with a universal dimension.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Araújo, G. (2024). Amazonian oral narratives in the teaching and learning of spanish as a foreign language (SFL): considerations about the myth of Curupira in the educational context of rural areas. Porto Das Letras, 9(4), Artigo SL9, p. 1–14. Retrieved from