In light of Patrick Charaudeau's Semiolinguistic Theory of Discourse (1999, 2016, 2017) and the perspectives of socio-historical enunciative-discursive studies by Dominique Maingueneau (2015, 2018), this study investigates the constitution of scenography and discursive ethos, as self-images, in song lyrics narratives. As a corpus of analysis, were selected the lyrics of the rap musical work, entitled Triunfo (2008), by the singer and composer Emicida. By analyzing this corpus, under the bias of an exploratory-descriptive study of qualitative approach, we tried to answer the following methodological questions: how is the scenography manifested in the speech of the selected rap song lyrics? How is the ethos constituted in this scenography? What ethos does the author of the rap narrative produce for himself? This work also adopts as reference the studies by Bakhtin (2009, 2011), Freitas et al. (2021), Machado e Mendes (2013), among other complementary authors. The research results indicate that the enunciation scenes created are located in the marginal discursive field, whose enunciator uses the tone of protest and social criticism and appropriates the imaginary of the marginalized subject, black, rap poet, from the urban periphery, to discursively confer a positive image of the self and present an ethos invested with leadership, credibility, empowerment, insurgency and suitability, in opposition to the oppressive vision that seeks to silence its voice and neutralize its identity.
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