“Go, Daughter, Go”
Death and Affective Daily Life in the Short Story “Chamada”, By João Anzanello Carrascoza
ABSTRACT: This article presents a critical analysis of the representation of death and its contribution to the construction of everyday affections within the short narrative "Chamada" (2004) by João Anzanello Carrascoza, a Brazilian writer considered one of the great revelations of contemporary fiction. To understand how such processes are represented in the published work, we examine the reasons why the theme of death followed, for a long time, an incipient approach within the juvenile literary subsystem and to what extent Carrascoza's writing provides an opportunity for a new look at this topic. The study demonstrates that youth fiction can be a space less concerned with teaching current values and more interested in awakening children and youth readers to very useful discussions not only about death and affective daily life but about all the dilemmas that surround the human being. Therefore, we resort to studies that bring to the context critical perspectives about children's and youth literature (LIJ) produced in Brazil, such as Ricardo Azevedo (2001), among other scholars and theories that deal with the ways that the representation of death and affection, as themes, occupy the scene of LIJ, as Giorgio Agamben (1999), Philippe Ariès (2012 and 2014) and Miguel Conde (2021).
KEYWORDS: Children's and youth literature; Death; Affection; João Anzanello Carrascoza.
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