From the Classic Epic to Modern Novel: The Narrative's Path and the Tragic End of Two Queens



The present work discusses the theme of literary narrative and its relation to the world view of ancient and modern societies. From the reflections of Georg Lukács, in The Theory of Romance, we made a comparison of two characters, the queens Dido and Diana, belonging to works separated by time, space and historical-philosophical-social conjuncture: Virgil's epic Aeneid, written in 19 B.C., and the novel A Rainha do Ignoto (The Queen of the Unknown), by Emília Freitas, published in 1899. To fulfill this intent, we make some considerations about the narrative's path over time, according to the theoretical support of the philosopher Lukács (2007). Then, we approach the two works in focus, presenting: a brief context of the production of each, a succinct plot (life, kingdom and death of the queens) and the guiding principles of both narratives. Finally, we confront and, thus, highlight the differences (and possible similarities) that engender, in the narrative process, the motives and actions of the remarkable female personalities in question.


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How to Cite

Caminha Viana Lopes, A. C. (2022). From the Classic Epic to Modern Novel: The Narrative’s Path and the Tragic End of Two Queens. Porto Das Letras, 8(4), 291–305. Retrieved from